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Post by Baby Greed Admin Mon May 09, 2016 3:24 pm

(boredom) of Rules
Administrators: People responsible for maintaining the forums and making administrative decisions.

Not only that, to keep the Forum for falling apart.
You got to rely on them, they're mostly a big help. On some occasions they try to get the work done

Moderators: People responsible for maintaining the forums.

They can also add anything they want including

Suggestions, Compromising, Project ideas, Talking Books Diary in a Zone,
Sharon The Project Work Along with The Modeling, 3d game Creating.

But Not  Post any violence, sexual pictures that could cripple the form.

That includes the rest of you on the Forum Got it. Good

Moderators  are not usually around the forms the only pop up.
When they want to improve something
So remember why the moderators are not around.

Site Staff Ultra: People responsible for maintaining the front page.

Staff Ultra Mostly like the guards if you don't get in line. They had the power to banning you or at making decisions to calling the.
Administrator or the moderator it is best you don't mess up the form or you would be dealing with the staff

Wiki Game Masters Geniuses: People responsible for maintaining the wiki.

They can also make up their Game ideas in their own Zone

Wiki's can make very good compliments of making their own.
Real video games out of their good ideas.

Wiki Game Masters Geniuses could bring a real video game to life if the artist of the game.
Likes the game idea the project blueprint can come true if it's very good.
If not, keep trying Wiki Game Masters Geniuses.

If you know how to make your own video game this is a good place to teach the other Wiki Game Masters Geniuses.
To make your own video game. But remember if you're making a Game Idea blueprint i suggest you keep a good concentration on that. Ok

Even if you're making a real game you still gotta concentrate on the blueprint game idea
Also Wiki's can edits: in a Post

Announcers Are people that send Messages to the chat box. Or replying to send.
To our fellow members Announcers are not supposed to post on the top. They only put on replying to all users that are on.
They have the power to send announcements to the chat box
You can also get the news from the Announcers

Announcers are very good because they send good messages of new things, that's happening there game of sonic game.

Not only that they make your games Live.

Game announcers are crazy to show off what they're doing in the game.

Sometimes announcers can pick up members that are in the group and ask them to play video games with them.

Remember what you do with announcer

If she's in the group she will do what she has to do to make it happen for the form.

To bring the people to the forum. Announcers are very nice in the occasion if you tick them off they will call the administrator on you.

There could be more than one announcers in the group.

Remember to lock your page if you spot an announcer so that she won't post.

Announcers only replies to the top dogs of the page.

So remember when you meet announcer be very nice to one.
And they can send back the favor to you.

(boredom) of Rules Next Members

Limited Pending Membership

Members who just registered but haven't yet taken further measures to gain full posting privileges. They have the ability to edit the wiki, and they have limited posting ability.

Limited Member  Can Poting. 1 a day or 1 in 1 zone.
Any Member That joins will become that.
Limited Members is when you can learn the first step to becoming a real member.

Remember, if you Post in one's Zone That's where you will stay to write anything in that only topic post.
So make sure it's a good one so you can get the appreciation for being a Real Member. Good Luck with your work.
Some Limited Member will become Real Member Automatically  That are chosen The rest will have to get the appreciation. Take me Yeah Super (Real Member)

Little Real Trial Members : Newly registered members undergoing the 21-post Little Trial Phase. If approved by a Baby Greed admin, they'll be promoted to Real Members : Otherwise, they'll be moved to Judgement Chance Pending Approval  after 21 posts.

If you manage to succeed
You'll be able to have full approval  Privileges to the forum.
Remember, if you're approved I don't mean you can go crazy over this forum.
Remember that you still have to deal with the staff.
If you break the rules will smack you back to the Limited Pending Membership.
Or something even worse, so remember to follow the rules.

Judgement Chance Pending Approvals: People who have used up their posts in the trial phase. This group has no posting privileges. Legible people will be promoted to Members; rejected people will remain in this group indefinitely.
Remember, if you fail. To be approved to be in a real member. You will be stuck as  judgement Chance Pending Approvals: For the rest of your life. Unless you found your way to turn yourself  around and doing it right.
You can get your chance again as a Limited Pending Membership All over again.

Adultbies: Members who have shown to be around in the Sonic and baby Greed Project and all for a "long" time. "Long", meaning since early 2016-2036 or even earlier. Admission into this group is arbitrarily up to the Administrators, on a case-by-case basis.
This member has all  Posting privileges But not conceding the moderators will.  If you had this power you can only post in your zone. If you posted other people zone  it could bring consequences to you by the staff.
Remember the rules post what you want to post about. If it's not satisfied with all of us, we will remove it or you get in trouble for it. Remember that well when you're posting.

Detection Members who have shown to possess extensive knowledge of the technical side of Sonic and baby greed 3D games. And Sonic Games Detection Members have their own Lounge forum, and have the ability to detect cloned accounts of Detection Members, Judgement Chance Pending Approvals, and Trouble Child Misfits. Admission into this group is arbitrarily up to the Administrators, on a case-by-case basis. Detection Members are NOT moderators.
Sooner or later Sonic And Baby Greed Game Project game will be added here. Listed as book  instructions. Pictures and video of the action. And more. That'll get you pumping to watch more
Detection Members  are meant to watch things that are out of place, including keeping an eye out on their own video game.  That they make. Or show on the video. And more.

Detection members are the ones to detect cloned accounts that are mostly has been banned.
If this was the case that the accounts will be Re banned. They will

detection members are the ones to keep the form of bad people out.

Of the forum detections.

Trouble Child Misfits People who have been indefinitely banned from this message board, usually as a result of failing to follow the rules, intentionally or not.

Whoever doesn't follow the rules will end up in a number of being banned.

You will find yourself being kicked constantly from the forum.

If you don't get banned you just be locked out of doing anything.

The only privileged that you will still remain with his view the form and users.

Your picture will be blocked. From the users viewing. And you're filthy writing will be blocked.

Everything will not work any more all you could do. Is viewing the form and users.

If you manage to stay in the Trouble Child Misfits for at least 1 year of good behavior

You can probably be on lifted from the misfits 45% chance

If not you're on your way to being banned or stuck on the Trouble Child misfits

To further notice of the Administrators decisions.

if it managed to get lifted you will start all over again

they will decide where to put you in a group if. Your actions will not that serious if it was. You go back to the beginning. Of a Limited Pending Membership

if you do. It'll be even more harder to get their trust again.

So remember what you do wrong in your actions of the form.

Remember this was no second chance it was a struggle to stay in the game.
Baby Greed Admin
Baby Greed Admin

Posts : 40
Join date : 2015-07-28
Age : 41
Location : Miami

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